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Ms Jasbir retires in style | The Punjab Public School Nabha

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Ms Jasbir retires in style

9 September 2020 @ 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Ms Jasbir Kaur, a very prominent face of PPS, retired today after a dedicated service of 34 long years. In a brief ceremony, Ms Jasbir Kaur was given a silver plaque along with Citation in the Headmaster’s Office. Mr Ajay Singh, Headmaster was highly appreciative of her role in the school. Dr Rakesh Alfred, Deputy Headmaster, Dr Ankur Samuel Birkett, Bursar and Mr Komal Sharma, Secretary to Headmaster were present on the occasion.
Ms Jasbir Kaur joined the school as a Punjabi Teacher-cum-PTI on 1st January, 1987. She worked conscientiously for the betterment of students. Her amiable nature made her popular amongst them as well as her colleagues. She enriched her experience working with different Headmasters over the years. She had the good chance of serving both in Junior as well as Senior School. Ms Jasbir’s expertise as the Physical Instructor and her love for teaching Punjabi is worthy of emulation. She has been a source of inspiration and motivation to everyone. Her vision and wisdom have had a deep impact on all who came in contact with her. Ms Jasbir Kaur was given the Best Teacher Award in 2007 by the then Headmaster in appreciation of her services to the institution.

Ms Jasbir Kaur carried out all her duties and responsibilities with commitment and elan. As a versatile individual, she enlisted her participation in every sector of school activities. Her vibrant and energetic aura was quite evident in the sporting arena.
Ms Jasbir Kaur is happily married to Mr Bharpur Singh. Her son Simerdeep Singh and her daughter Simerpreet Kaur have had a long association with the school. Meritorious students as they were, they are doing fairly well in their life at the moment. We wish Ms Jasbir Kaur and her family a happy and successful life ahead.


9 September 2020
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Event Category: