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Sri Krishna Janmashtami

12 August 2020 @ 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Sri Krishna is the Sanathana Sarathi, come to be the Sarathi (Charioteer) of all. He is the Lord, for all who seek a Master, a Support. The Atma is the Master in everyone and Krishna is the Universal Atma, personified.
There are two birds sitting on one tree, the Upanishad says, the Jivatma (Individual Soul) and the Paramatma (Supreme Soul), on the tree of this Body, this World. One bird eats the fruit of that tree, while the other simply looks on, as a witness. But, the wonder is, the two birds are really one, though they appear as two; they cannot be separated, since they are two aspects of the same entity. Steam in the air cannot be seen; it has no shape or form; but, it is the same as ice, which is hard and heavy and cold. Nirakara (formless) and Sakara (formful) are just two ways in which the One manifests itself.
The minute hand of the clock is the Jivatma, the bird that eats the fruits. It goes round and round but, the hour hand moves silently and slowly, with a certain dignity. The hour hand can be said to be the Paramatma. Once an hour two meet, but, the Jivatma does not get that consummation fixed forever. It loses the precious chance and so has to go round and round again and again. Liberation is when the two merge, and only one remains.
When the obstacles in the path of Truth are laid low, deliverance is achieved. That is why moksha is something that can be won, here and now; one need not wait for the dissolution of the physical body for that. Karma must not be felt as a burden, for that feeling is a sure sign, indicating that it is against the grain. No karma which helps your progress will weigh heavily on you. It is only when you go counter to your innermost nature that you feel it is a burden. A time comes when you look back on your achievement and sigh at the futility of it all. Entrust to the Lord, before it is too late, your mind and let Him shape it as He likes.
Jai Sri Krishna!


12 August 2020
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Event Category: