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Stupendous 60 years of Excellence! | The Punjab Public School Nabha

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Stupendous 60 years of Excellence!

11 April 2020 @ 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

As the school completes it’s 60 years of excellence today, Nabhaites celebrate the spirit of eagles in their own respective nests across the globe. What could have been the biggest congregation of alumni in history of PPS today, sadly has been postponed in wake of unforeseen. But as taught in the portals of PPS, to fly onward and upward, let’s hope we will unite in the good times when the suffering of innocent comes to an end. I thank each one of you for your unflinching support in the challenging times. At the same time, accept my congratulations for completing Stupendous 60 years of Excellence. Onward and Upward !


11 April 2020
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
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