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Ted Speaker leaves Nabhaites in awe with his distinctive style ! | The Punjab Public School Nabha

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Ted Speaker leaves Nabhaites in awe with his distinctive style !

29 October 2017 @ 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Ted Speaker Mr Jagdeep Singh Chhokar delivered a talk on ‘Value based Democracy’ to students of Classes VIII to XII. A successful Public Servant, Mr Chhokar highlighted the nuances of democracy and showed us how we as individuals can contribute our own bit towards a better and progressive democracy. In a highly interactive session, audience was in awe of his distinctive style and was absolutely absorbed throughout the evening. Students left no opportunity to ask their respective queries as to how democracy is a journey not a destination. He sent a powerful message that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Headmaster presented a token of deeply felt love and gratitude to the speaker. In his address to the gathering, Dr Singh expressed his sincere thanks for enlightening the youngsters on such a relevant and important issue. He also promised to nurture the future democracy sitting in today’s classrooms with the right role models. 


29 October 2017
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Event Category: