The Punjab Public School has been a member of the IPSC from its very inception. Initially named as Sainik School, it was a residential school only for boys with 550 hostel seats including few day scholar girls and staff children. The school was established in 1960 with a view to provide quality public school education to the deserving children of the ex-servicemen, serving personnel of the defence forces and civilians. The guiding force in the opening of this school was Sardar Partap Singh Kairon, the then Chief Minister of Punjab. The school was formally inaugurated by Dr Rajendra Prasad, President of India in April 1961. The school in its initial stages was financed by the Post-war Services Reconstruction Fund and Punjab Government made buildings of ex-Nabha rulers (the Secretariat and the Guest House) and land available to the school and also gave substantial financial help.
To live up to the increasing necessities and expectations, the school came up with the additional buildings and provisions namely Staff Colony (1962), Swimming Pool (1964), Sham Bagh houses for senior students (1970), School Auditorium (1973), School Guest House (1995), High Rise Water Tanks (1997), Junior School Mess (1998), New Residential Blocks (2000, 2003, 2007). Three overhead bridges (2003) connecting Senior School Building with the Senior and Middle House were constructed along with a New Basketball Court (2000), Squash Courts (2003), Multi-purpose Sports Complex (2009) and Ultra Modern Girls Hostel (2013).
Renovation work is an ongoing process at the school. Among the various renovation projects, a few noteworthy ones have been completed recently, including the renovation of the MI building and the refurbishment of the bridges in the Junior, Middle, and Senior school sections.